To ease your navigation across devices, locations, filters, and more signageOS provides a Favorites feature within the Box UI. By favoriting you can have a quick overview of basic information such as connectivity, uptime, latest screenshots, alerts, and access to power actions for devices, similarly connectivity for locations and organization monitoring from your Home Dashboard.
You can favorite the most commonly used parts of the system including:
- Individual devices
- Locations
- Organisation monitoring
- Views/Filters
If you want quick and easy access to frequently visited devices (such as during the development phase) you can add a device to your Favorites via a star icon located in the top right under the device detail page (1.)
Your device will be added to the "Favorites section" in the navigation bar on the left side for quick and easy access (2.) and into your Home screen with basic information.
In the same way as favoriting your devices you can favorite locations, navigate to a Location detail page, and in the top right corner you can find a star icon to favorite it (1.)
In the side panel navigation (2.) you can find a list of your favorite locations indicated by the location icon.
Monitoring organisations
If you want a quick overview of your whole organization navigate to the Monitoring section within Box, from the list of organizations select the organization you want to oversee. Within the organization monitoring detail, you can favorite given specific monitoring view.
Often you might want to view a list of devices filtered through several criteria (ie. single organization, only online devices of a specific platform). Instead of setting the filters each time you navigate to the All Devices list you can now save your view with your filter setup.
Once your view has been saved you can quickly access the devices relevant by selecting the view on the All Devices page or through sidebar navigation.