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Package Installation

Install on one device

  1. Open the device detail page from Devices list

  2. Go to Packages Tab

  3. Click Install package and select Package and it's version you want to install

  4. Package is installed

Screenshot 2024-05-07 at 11.09.10.png

If you wish to launch a specific package, select the desired package and click Start packages button.

In addition, you can search or filter Installed packages on your device for better management of all your packages. 

Once you click on Install package button available packages will be listed on a panel where you can select multiple or individual packages and see additional information such as description.

Screenshot 2024-05-06 at 10.36.49.png

Install in bulk to multiple devices

  1. Navigate to Devices list

  2. Select multiple devices of the same type - either Android or RaspberryPi - from the same Organization

  3. Click on Manage button

  4. On the Bulk management page list available Packages and their versions

  5. Select the Packages you want to install and confirm

  6. Packages are installed on the selected devices

Alternatively you can assign packages to multiple devices via Device Policy. To do this follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Box
  2. Select Device policies under Organise tab
  3. Create new Device policy
  4. Select Packages tab
  5. Select packages you want to install
  6. Save your policy
  7. Navigate to Devices tab
  8. Select a list of devices
  9. Assign your Package Device policy


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