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OSD menu by signageOS

To make provisioning, deployments and even development more straightforward, signageOS introduces the OSD menu (On Screen Display).

signageOS OSD allows you on any supported device to:

  • configure LAN network connection
  • connect the device to the WiFi network
  • install signageOS Core App with built-in Applet
  • Change the device's settings

How to access the OSD

To access the OSD menu follow these steps: 

  1. Try with remote control or in case the device doesn't contain it, plug the keyboard to the display or device
  2. find the PIN - either on the display in the bottom right corner or in Box


  3. Press the PIN on the keyboard  or remote followed by ENTER
  4. OSD menu will show up

OSD navigation

Navigate through the menu by using ARROW keys, and confirm the option by pressing ENTER, to exit the editing press ESC.keyboard.png

OSD options

In OSD menu you can set various device settings, based on the device options including:


  • Here you can set up connection via Ethernet or Wi-Fi
  • In order to access the Wi-Fi setup, the device must be disconnected from Ethernet

Screenshot 2024-04-09 at 10.31.38.png

Ethernet Setup


Device settings (unavailable on Raspberry Pi)

Screenshot 2024-04-09 at 10.32.23.png


Device recovery (not supported on Raspberry Pi)

Screenshot 2024-04-09 at 10.32.55.png


Network connection tests

  • run the connection and speed test of the network

Screenshot 2024-04-09 at 10.34.00.png


System information

Screenshot 2024-04-09 at 10.59.19.png



Screenshot 2024-04-09 at 11.01.35.png



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