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Network Requirements For Ports And Domains

If you deploy signageOS-powered devices within restricted networks, you have to check availability/connectivity to domains and ports below.


Devices accessing the signageOS Cloud

Domain Protocol Port Notes
platform.signageos.io ws(s)http(s) 443/80 Primary access point for all devices
upload.signageos.io http(s) 443/80 Service for uploading screenshots
applet-synchronizer.signageos.io ws(s)http(s) 443/80 Optional - For content synchro playback, on-prem deployment recommended
1.signageos.iostatic.signageos.io2.signageos.io http(s) 443 CDN endpoint
rm1.signageos.io ws(s)http(s) 443/80 Samsung RM Management endpoint
icanhazip.com, ipv4.icanhazip.com, captive.apple.com http(s) 443 For checking internet connectivity, fallback URLs


Mandatory is only port 443. Port 80 is used as a failover option in case 443 is not available e.g.:

- the device has incorrect time and the SSL certificate is invalid

- SSL root certificate on the device is invalid

- proxy setup blocks WebSocket over SSL

It's highly recommended to allow the traffic on port 80. It's used only in the above-mentioned scenarios and helps mitigate issues without dispatching teams.

Device Network Bandwidth

  • The device usually use something between 2kb/s to 4kb/s, depending on the number of additional REST API requests you perform.
  • During the first boot up, device needs to perform the whole registration handshake and share initial data. The total initial communication size is about 50kb.
  • Average screenshot size, that is uploaded is 500 KB to 1.2 MB.
  • Recommended minimum network speed is 2Mbs download, 2Mbs upload with network latency less then 1000ms.

Proxy the device communication

Currently, it’s not possible to proxy communication from devices due to High-availability setup and Load balancers configuration. In case of a large project, kindly reach out to signageOS sales rep for further discussion.

Device deployments

Domain Protocol Port Notes
1.signageos.iostatic.signageos.io2.signageos.io http(s) 443 CDN endpoint
hugstatic.blob.core.windows.net http(s) 443 Deprecated, CDN endpoint
w.signageos.io http(s) 443 Optional - Endpoint for installing the latest LG webOS application (shortcut)
a.signageos.io http(s) 443 Optional - Endpoint for installing the latest Android application (shortcut)
t.signageos.io http(s) 443 Optional - Endpoint for installing the latest Samsung Tizen application (shortcut)
s.signageos.io http(s) 443 Optional - Endpoint for installing the latest Samsung SSSP 2/3 application (shortcut)
b.signageos.io http(s) 443 Optional - Endpoint for installing the latest BrightSign application (shortcut)
c.signageos.io http(s) 443 Optional - Endpoint for installing the latest Chrome application (shortcut)
win.signageos.io http(s) 443 Optional - Endpoint for installing the latest Windows application (shortcut)
o.signageos.io http(s) 443 Optional - Endpoint for installing the latest Linux image application (shortcut)
cc.signageos.io http(s) 443 Optional - Endpoint for installing the latest Cloud Control application (shortcut)
weinre.signageos.io http(s) 443 Optional - For remote debugging

Device management from CMS <> signageOS Cloud

Domain Protocol Port Notes
api.signageos.io https 443 Primary REST API endpoint

Other domains used in signageOS Ecosystem

Domain Notes
box.signageos.io Device management console
npm.signageos.io Private NPM repository


signageOS offers a server-less synchronized playback API. In order to sync content, devices are establishing a UDP communication within local network. Below are network requirements and testing tool for network validation.

Communication is happening only in the local network.

Protocol Port
UDP 60537
TCP 60538

Estimated bandwidth is ~30kbps for 4 synced displays.

Testing tool for synchronized playback communication

  1. Download the node.js testing app
  2. Install Node.js v16 and above 
  3. Connect your computer into the local network used by displays
  4. Run the app
  5. If the output of the app is "OK" your network is compatible with the sync APIs
node script.js


Third-party domains

NTP servers on webOS:

Below-mentioned NTP servers are used as default servers on LG webOS devices. If you are using older webOS devices (v. 1.0, 2.0, 3.0), you should enable such domains in your network.

nist1.symmetricom.com,, San Jose, California 

nist1-sj.ustiming.org,, San Jose, California

nist1-la.ustiming.org,, Los Angeles, California

nist1-lv.ustiming.org,, Las Vegas, Nevada

HTTP(S) Requests Origins going from Applet

Below is the table containing paths to loading applets on each currently supported platform. These paths are also an origin of any HTTP(S) request.

Platform Path
Samsung SSSP file:///mtd_down/common/cache/
Samsung Tizen file:///opt/usr/media/Documents/data/data/applet/
LG WebOS file:///media/cryptofs/apps/usr/palm/applications/com.lg.app.signage/
Brightsign http://localhost:8081/sd/applet/
Android (Philips, Sharp, Panasonic, Elo,...) https://appassets.android.signageos.io
Legacy for CA <4.5: content://io.signageos.android.fileprovider
Raspberry Pi http://localhost:8081/internal/data/applet/
CLI Emulator http://localhost:8090
Windows http://localhost:8090 + http://localhost:3000
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