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No Verification Hash after provisioning

The Error

If you install the signageOS Core App without built in Applet on the device for the first time, you should always get a Verification Hash screen:



Under certain circumstances, the Verification Hash might not show up, leaving you with

  • dark blue screen without any information
  • an "Unable to connect screen"

In any of the above scenarios you are not able to continue with the provisioning.

How to Resolve

1. Check if the device is actually supported

Please refer to the Supported devices list to see if your device is officially supported by signageOS. If not, contact us to discuss how to make your device compatible.

2. Check Date and Time of your device

Often the device does not have a right date and time during the initial installation. That results in inability to connect to the signageOS Cloud due to SSL validation.


  • check device date and time and set it to the current one

3. Check connectivity

There might be some issues with your network connectivity and availability of signageOS services on your network.



4. Check FW of the device

Sometimes you might have an unsupported FW with a known bug.


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