Possible Problems
- Setting device timezone through JS via management in applet doesn't seem to take any effect.
- Timezone visible in Box is not the one you set via REST API
- Timezone was set but the it does not matches the
new Date()
in the Applet - Currently there are certain limitations regarding setting timezones and NTP on Tizen displays.
Certain cities are unfortunately omitted from the list of supported timezones by Tizen OS. Tizen OS uses the shortest valid list of timezones without aliases. More specifically timezones supported by Tizen are not in alignment with standard list of timezones.
On top of that, Tizen has 2 internal clocks:
- on the HW level, the Real Time Clock (RTC)
- RTC does not have any timezone, it's plain date and time
- RTC is used for waking display up from standby and is used for Timers
- on the Tizen OS level (time value available in the Applet)
- [a] time is set automatically, based on the display IP address location (built-in Tizen behavior)
- [b] time is set accordingly to NTP server and timezone you set via API/Box
How signageOS and Tizen behaves:
- If you are setting just a timezone without any NTP url, signageOS sets the internal RTC clock to the time that matches the time in the selected timezone.
{ "timestamp": 1612346574900, "timezone": "US/Central", "ntpServer": null }
- time of the RTC will match the timezone
- time of the browser and the Applet will be set automatically based on your display location (approximated from IP address)
- If you set timezone and NTP url, signageOS sets the internal RTC clock to the time that matches the time in the selected timezone AND set the NTP server and timezone in the Tizen OS
{ "timestamp": 1612346574900, "timezone": "US/Central", "ntpServer": "pool.ntp.org" }
- time of the RTC will match the timezone
- time of the browser and the Applet will match the timezone
- this is the recommended way of setting timezone on the Tizen displays
Make sure your NTP server url is available on the display network. Sometimes are these NTP urls blocked by the firewall.
NTP servers
The globally supported NTP servers are hosted for example on pool.ntp.org
. Unless you are behind firewall or using your own NTP server, the ntp.org should work for you.
List of timezones available on the Tizen
To set NTP and proper timezone, you have to select one of the timezone in the list below:
Timezone string |
America/Manaus |
America/Monterrey |
America/Montevideo |
America/Santiago |
America/Tijuana |
Asia/Amman |
Asia/Baghdad |
Asia/Baku |
Asia/Bangkok |
Asia/Beirut |
Asia/Colombo |
Asia/Dhaka |
Asia/Irkutsk |
Asia/Jerusalem |
Asia/Kabul |
Asia/Kamchatka |
Asia/Karachi |
Asia/Kathmandu |
Asia/Kolkata |
Asia/Krasnoyarsk |
Asia/Kuala_Lumpur |
Asia/Kuwait |
Asia/Magadan |
Asia/Muscat |
Asia/Novosibirsk |
Asia/Rangoon |
Asia/Seoul |
Asia/Taipei |
Asia/Tashkent |
Asia/Tbilisi |
Asia/Tehran |
Asia/Tokyo |
Asia/Ulaanbaatar |
Asia/Vladivostok |
Asia/Yakutsk |
Asia/Yekaterinburg |
Asia/Yerevan |
Atlantic/Azores |
Atlantic/Cape_Verde |
Australia/Perth |
Australia/Adelaide |
Australia/Brisbane |
Australia/Canberra |
Australia/Darwin |
Australia/Hobart |
Canada/Atlantic |
Canada/Newfoundland |
Canada/Saskatchewan |
Etc/GMT+1 |
Etc/GMT+4 |
Etc/GMT-12 |
Etc/GMT-2 |
Europe/Amsterdam |
Europe/Athens |
Europe/Belgrade |
Europe/Helsinki |
Europe/London |
Europe/Minsk |
Europe/Moscow |
Europe/Paris |
Europe/Sarajevo |
Pacific/Auckland |
Pacific/Fiji |
Pacific/Guam |
Pacific/Samoa |
Pacific/Tongatapu |
Universal |
US/Alaska |
US/Arizona |
US/Central |
US/Eastern |
US/Hawaii |
US/Mountain |
US/Pacific |