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[Tizen] Stream playback issues & limitation

[Tizen] Stream playback issues & limitation

There are several restrictions in order to play streams on Tizen display:

Multicast address

Supported IP range to for streaming

UNsupported IP range 224.x.x.x & 239.x.x.x DO NOT use these ranges for multicast streams on Tizen

Bandwidth Requirement

  • Streams in SD (640 X 480) require approx. 3-4 Mbps
  • Streams in HD (1920 x 1080) require approx. 5-8 Mbps

Passing URL to JS SDK

The URL with the stream HAS to include the protocol while passing it to streaming JS SDK

  • RTP stream URL MUST start with rtp://<IP>:<PORT>
  • UDP stream URL MUST start udp://<IP>:<PORT>

You cannot mix video playback and streaming

  • Streaming is limited to 1 playback at 1 screen.
  • Streaming + video playback is NOT supported on 1 screen

Due to this limitation you HAVE TO use a special signageOS Core App for Tizen that supports streaming.

Current version is 2.1.0-stream.1132:tizen-streaming-app.png
This special application can be installed via Box (image above) or via REST API by using the version above.

UHD streaming

To be able to play video stream in UHD resolution on Tizen device you have to stream .ts files without transcoding.

Sample .ts video file:


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