All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to
Semantic Versioning.
[3.2.1] - 2024-15-11
- increase interval for sending event reports to 10 minutes
- make sending event reports async to avoid blocking playback
[3.2.0] - 2024-08-10
- added ISO timestamp to PoP event reports
- added option to specify custom endpoint in smil file header to send PoP event reports to
[3.1.3] - 2024-29-09
- change intro media display process to display intro as soon as possible to avoid black screen during smil player
- fixed issue with billboard transitions positioning not properly reflecting regions coordinates
[3.1.2] - 2024-29-09
- add a timeout for priority sync to avoid rare case when playlist freezes
- fixed issue with default transition and priority content not working properly
[3.1.0] - 2024-29-09
- added proof of play (PoP) support
- added multiple sync group for synchronization before sync content plays and after sync content finishes for smoother
sync transitions - added billboard transitions support for images
- added option to specify default transition in smil file header ( default transition is used for all images in playlist
unless different transition is specified)
[3.0.0] - 2024-24-07
- sync index for the content is now computed for the whole regions instead of separate parts of playlist (seq, par tags
- removed _smilversion query string from widgets displaying websites
- support for dynamic triggers
- upgrade to node v20
- improved performance for older devices
- improve video playback performance
- improved reporting messages
- ability to restart applet when sync service fails
- ability to monitor synchronization with event reports
- added option to start triggers from inside the widget
- event reports now reporting if media is being synchronized with playback on other devices
- upgrade tools like typescript webpack to newer versions
- ability to run triggered content from inside the widget
- added random playback support with ability to shuffle content ro randomly select content from the playlist
- improve priority types stop and defer performance
- added option to specify default repeat count in smil file header ( default repeat count is used everywhere where
repeat count
is not specified )
- bug with conditional expression date and time comparison
- fixed rare occurrence of top priority content flickering when returning to lower priority
- fixed issues with seamless update and top priority content
- fixed prepare of dynamic content on slave playlist devices to ensure gapless playback
- fixed issue with parent overriding child content in priority playback
- fixed body css bug during smil player start
- fixed issue with wallclock notation when no repeatCount is specified
- fixed issue when priority content specified with wallclock not starting properly
- fixed parent generation bug for dynamic and priority segments
- fixed issues with seamless update and sync content
- fixed rewinding sync content to find the correct one to play with priority defined
- fixed issue with trigger parent window listeners on android devices
[2.1.0] - 2024-01-15
- fix rare bug which occurs in widget optimization during smil playlist update
- clarification that advanced usage with extra configuration is still in development
- added option to stop trigger using same triggerId as to invoke it
- change failover mechanism so all devices take care of broken device
- added ticker implementation
- added markdown documentation for the smil playlist creation and syntax
[2.0.0] - 2022-05-31
- fixed wallclock and repeatCount=indefinite edge case bug
- fixed background video single loop freeze
- fixed repeatCount issues when combined with priorityClasses and wallclock notations
- fixed relative src path for triggers
- fixed rare bug with multiple triggers using same region not working correctly
- fixed bug with keyboard triggers with specified duration
- fixed transitions with underlying content
- fixed issue when trying to prepare video which no longer exists in localstorage
- fixed rare bug with one widget in playlist not visible after smil update
- multiple components code refactor
- improved seamless update performance
- improved general playback performance
- improved multiple widgets in playlist performance
- added option to turn off preloading of widgets ( widget is loaded at exact time when it should start playing, not
before) - added transitions support for widgets
- added support for applet-synchronizer
- added option to synchronize playback among multiple devices in same sync group
- added support for synchronization failover content ( when one device withing sync group goes offline, other one
takes care of its playback ) - added new home screen
- added new default backup image
- added option to specify z-index on img or ref tags in smil xml file
- removed input form from home screen
[1.9.1] - 2022-02-15
- added config definition allowing to show required configuration in Box
- added optional z-index attribute to img and ref tag in smil file
- added conditional expression to smil data refresh configuration
- fixed race condition with seamless update
- fixed conditional timeFormat issue
- fixed right and bottom css positioning for regular media and triggers
[1.9.0] - 2021-10-14
- fixed bug with video playback in background not working properly
- fixed rare bug with malformed files in internal storage
- fixed rare bug with wallClock definitions
- fixed rare bug with wallclock endTime
- Add bottom option to element positioning
- Add video streaming support
[1.8.0] - 2021-09-14
- Query parameters of HTML widgets for Brightsign devices
- fixed image transitions bug
- Add seamless update support
[1.7.0] - 2021-06-30
- fix bug with non-existing videos failing smil file parse
- fix issue when smil player was stuck on backup image after xml parse failure
- add option to turn off media update ( set interval as -1)
[1.6.1] - 2021-06-07
- fix bug with single priorityClass not working properly
- fix rare bug with playing blank image ( no source )
[1.6.0] - 2021-05-27
- fix bug with default region not having proper name
- fix bug with wrong repeatCount for triggers
- fix bug with parent generation hashing algorithm
- improved intro handling
- improved playlist sanitization
- improve media url validation
- improved conditional expressions handling
- added smil event reporting support
- added onClick/onTouch triggers with duration specified in seconds
- added support for image to image crossfade transition
- added optional
in sos.config to dynamically define device address for serial communication - added support for fixed video duration
- added support for widgets with query parameters
- added support for auth headers for media download
- added ICS format implementation for conditional expression
- added support for smil files with no active content
- added support for backup image if smil-player fails on smil file download or smil xml parse functionality supports
image stored directly in smil repo or on remote server.
[1.5.0] - 2021-04-14
- bug with new parent generated during each iteration of playlist
- bug with one item playlist inside priorityClass
- improved smil stability
- added logic to remove infinite loops and unnecessary elements
- improve readme and documentation
[1.4.0] - 2021-03-31
- bug with multiple widgets ids in same region
- bug with widgets extension remaining in code for later media
- multiple components code refactor
- keyboard support for triggers
- ability to play triggers based on repeatCount attribute
- improved image/widget performance
- improved xml parsing and playlist generation
[1.3.0] - 2021-03-12
- fixed wrong order when processing sequences of elements without seq or par tags
- improved performance during conditional playback
- fixed cypress tests timeouts
- added local express server for cypress tests
- added dynamic cypress tests for priority and wallclock
[1.2.0] - 2021-02-12
- basic cypress tests support
- advanced conditional expression conditions
- fixed bug with file update blocked by wallclock functions
- fixed bug with one playlist blocking another during wait
- improved performance for LG devices
[1.1.0] - 2021-01-26
- trigger support
- webos video playback hotfix with sleep(videoDuration) and Promise.race
- add priority behaviour support (excl and priorityClass tags)
- add conditional playback support
- fixed smil parsing issue on Rpi
- fixed new smil file download/offline processing
- fixed media files update check
- fixed image intro
- fixed image/widgets update check, add random query string to avoid caching except for brightsign device
- add improved error handling
- add new instance of playlist during each smil restart
- add lastModified check during media files download at the start of the smil processing
- add check for empty localFilePath during video playback
- remove and replace it with fetch functionality
- fixed edge case bug causing infinite loop when no playlist is active
- fixed wallclock bug for different dates without repeat
[1.0.1] - 2020-09-17
- performance optimization for older devices
- add JSDoc, code structure improvements
- improve test coverage
- fix offline playback
- performance improvements for older/slower devices
[1.0.0] - 2020-08-31
- First released version, supported features in readme or
[0.0.1] - 2020-03-01
- Initial PoC release of SMIL player