[RC] Latest Beta or Release Candidate
- Failure when driver throws an error during telemetry gathering
[2.9.0] - 2024-10-30
- Implementation of Front capabilities
- Acceptance tests for file system
- timezone offset is now calculated from WebOS's real offset and not from moment's offset which accounted for DST, but WebOS did not
- File system
method deletes content ofdata
[2.8.0] - 2024-09-23
- Build with esbuild
- Add support for cloud control
- (internal) Pipeline check for .ipk size
- Support for AutoRecovery on WebOS 6
[2.7.0] - 2024-04-25
- Add support for keepAppletRunning in proprietary timers
- Upgraded LG APIs to the latest version to support new FW version on weboOS 6
- Typo in stream prepare options:
- Applet downloads on older devices (webOS 3)
- Fixed miscellaneous issues on older devices (WebOS 3)
[2.6.2] - 2023-10-24
- Building via App Builder
[2.6.1] - 2023-10-05
- Incorrect detection of stream protocol type
- Starting applet in offline (when was already downloaded earlier)
[2.6.0] - 2023-09-13
- Switchable check that compares device and server time and when differ a lot it prevents socket from connection
- Device can handle data about remote debug and sent to FA
- Device has new handler for refreshing applet from FA
- UDP synchronizer for webOs version 4 and 6
- Missing implementations for device brand info
- Handler for sending info about remote debug to FA
- Handler for refreshing applet from FA
- Polymorphic synchronizer that can be used for both P2P and server synchronizer
- IPv4 address to Peer info at Peer discovery service
- Applet Management API support for
- Device reporting
Firmware type
and OS version - P2P Synchronizer uses TCP instead of UDP
- Support for new wipeout power action
- ZoneOffset is correctly send to the server from device site
- Actions are correctly delivered to server are when connection is on HTTP
- Downloading files if server blocks HEAD requests
- Correct telemetry and settings types split
- Time correction is correctly parsed from response
- Succeed actions for PowerActions are send before restarting
- Downloading files if server blocks HEAD requests
- Base URL for
endpoint to configuration server (instead of platform server) - Hardware barcode scanner start (propage
to native API) - New alternative bridge function for delete proprietary timer (keep old one for backward compatibility)
- Issues with downloading zip files on Webos 2 and 3
- Proxy setting errors when proxy is not supported
- Incorrect setup timezone on Webos 3 if NTP server is set
[2.5.0] - 2023-01-31
- File System with reserved space
- File System method
now returns correctly size - OSD working on older devices (webOS 3)
- New TimeManager provides better stability of time, zone and NTP-related features
- On webOS 6 is not supported LANDSCAPE FLIPPED orientation
[2.4.0] - 2022-10-04
- OS version info (WebOS 3.2 -> 3.2, WebOS 6 -> 6.0)
- CPU & Memory monitoring
- Proxy monitoring
- Wifi SSID and signal level
- Support for timed peer recovery
- Support for CRC32 hashing algorithm on webOS 6 devices
- Device reports manufacturer brand
- Watchdog is enabled/disabled with PEER_RECOVERY
- New app icon
- Only get video file duration for videos, skip other files to prevent unexpected behavior
- HDMI and UDP streams
[2.3.1] - 2022-03-18
- User defined applet preferred over bundled applet when both are set at the same time
[2.3.0] - 2022-03-08
- Support for CRC32 hashing algorithm
- Initialize webos devices with default digital signage settings (dpmMode=off, pmMode=networkReady, enableWakeOnLan=true, automaticStandbyMode=off, tileInfo=false, failoverMode=off, powerOnStatus=power_on)
- WatchDog for checking if signageOS Core App is running for webOS 3.2, 4.0 and 4.1
- Absolute firmware upgrade URLs
- Saving applet actions to local file, when device is offline and uploading after connection is fixed
- Update Front-OSD version
- Setting autoSet parameter to 'off' on webOs > 4
- Video orientation landscape on webOS 6
[2.2.0] - 2021-11-24
- Video orientation landscape flipped
- Automatic streams reconnection and connected/disconnected events
- Volume option for video
- 4K support for WebOS 4.1
- Video duration for FS getFile() API
- Support for more than 10KB files in readFile/writeFile
- Device policy full support
- Device telemetry
- WebOS 6 support
- Front-OSD support
- Building bundled applet with prebuilt subscriptionType
- AppendFile method to File System
- Allow parametrize bundled applet with configuration
- return null on FW type because it has to be supported on upgrade FW
- Background option for video
- Setting of device time and timezone returns success (platform needs reboot/restart, do it after 1s)
- Videos playback on WebOS 4 when using more then 2 videos in same applet (seamless and no black blinking)
- On webOS 4 there is no longer a first frame of the last played video visible
- appUpgrade function from JS API sets correct URL (Open)
- All actions are correctly bound
- Setting NTS on all versions of webOS
- Orientation getter and setter now works with SCAPv15 and newer
- Device policy and telemetry action exceptions are displayed with enabled debug only
- Device Policy: Allow enforcing only NTP server or only timezone (or both)
- Don't enforce previously set devive policies under Open subscription
- Support
scheduled power actions - Correctly report active network interface
- Fixed display off/on behavior when timers are not set
- Upgrade firmware version
- Provisioning delay for platform devices
- FS readFile will correctly throw error when file doesn't exist.
- Stalled or differently corrupted video won't emit ended event
[2.1.0] - 2020-08-12
- Longer deprovisioning timeout before reboot to give the display enought time to delete all cached data and files
- Use smaller resolution videos in acceptance tests that play multiple videos side by side because some platforms struggle to process more than one full HD video at a time
- The built-in browser now loads websites that enforce same origin policy
- When proprietary timers are disabled while the display and content are off, the display and content will be turned on
- Reboot device automatically when App or FW upgrade is performed in open management
- When device is offline, increase the interval between reconnect attempts progressively from 5s up to 5 mins
- Device registration occasionally failing during first boot
- Make longer and configurable check interval on platform configuration (30s -> 60s)
- Native debug will always do the configuration check interval 30s
- Default PIN code is 0000 until device is connected to internet
- PIN code set/get support for JS management API
- Removed dependency on navigator.onLine for websocket connections management. Navigator.onLine in certain edge cases doesn't provide accurate information if the device can access internet or not.
- Possible memory leak in video player when one gapless video is playing in infinite loop
- ACL domains support for the built-in browser
- New OSD dark blue design
- Front applet debug isEnabled API support
- Remote management of multi-file applets (applet packages). Applets originally designed for
users can be used byPlatform
users now as well.
[2.0.2] - 2020-02-28
- Provisioning splash screen for Open apps (not visible now)
- added sandbox to Browser iframe to prevent hostile JS within iframe affecting parent document
- FILE_SYSTEM_LINK capability (not supported for webos)
[2.0.1] - 2020-02-21
- HTML over video (some of the recent changes broke it)
[2.0.0] - 2020-02-19
- Device firmware is upgradable through API: https://docs.signageos.io/api/device-management-api/#Set_Device_Firmware_version
- Major internal changes in a communicataion APIs (socket connections uses new API /v2/ which is not backward compatible)
- Add support for getting local and public IPs
- Application building config to version 1.0.0 Multi file applets
- Device can be tested for supported HTML5 features to perform a HTML5test score (available on a request): https://html5test.com/
- Releases are now Semantic version ready: https://semver.org/
- Applet, Video & video wall synchronization feature: https://docs.signageos.io/api/sos-applet-api/#Sync_playback_across_multiple_devices
- Remote control Key UP binding: https://docs.signageos.io/api/sos-applet-api/#Input
- Special option (
: 'LANDSCAPE' or undefined) to set a video orientation to landscape while the content is set to portrait. It's a workaround for firmware bug that causes low frame rate or low resolution of videos played in portrait mode: https://docs.signageos.io/api/device-management-api/#Set_Device_Resolution_and_Orientation - Scheduled power action: https://docs.signageos.io/api/device-management-api/#Create_Device_Scheduled_Power_Action
- Enable applets to get file/content uids (https://docs.signageos.io/api/sos-applet-api/#List_all_files)
- Enable applets to delete files/contents (https://docs.signageos.io/api/sos-applet-api/#Delete_file)
- Set time with timezone: https://docs.signageos.io/api/device-management-api/#Set_DeviceTime
- WebOS 3.2: Methods for getting and validating MD5 file checksum (https://docs.signageos.io/api/sos-applet-api/#Checksum_file_md5)
- Applets can receive commands from server sent through REST API (applet dispatch command to device) (https://docs.signageos.io/api/sos-applet-api/#Command_Receiving)
- File system file names can contain any character except specials (same as Win FS) & can have folders separated by slash /
- ZIP decompression in file system: https://docs.signageos.io/api/sos-applet-api/#Decompress_file_ZIP
- Video API acceptance tests
- When acceptance tests are running, mute applet so it doesn't conflict with the tests
- Video API supports video playing in the background with HTML in the foreground
- Video API supports 4K video
- New capability to set/get timezone and time
- On device deprovisioning handler
- It's possible now to configure the application build to use a local applet file instead of getting applet timings from the cloud
- signageOS Open - build with an applet bundled inside the package and make the device automatically verify against the owner's organization on the server
- Use proprietary timer if native is not supported
- New full featured API of FileSystem
- Low level file system support for front applet
- File System API supports writeFile (text (string) value only)
- File System API supports copyFile, writeFile
- Applet DISABLE/ENABLE power actions
- Key codes for media buttons on a remote control (play, pause, stop, backward, forward)
- Play videos in background
- Suspend videos/streams when a proprietary timer is triggered
- Switch between applet timings fast and gapless
- Fix tap/double tap touch detection 600 ms delay on an every tap
- Fixed playing more videos on devices which supports only 1 video tag (1 resource)
- Stabilize a network connection using better WebSocket low level libraries
- Fix videowall synchronization not in sync on WebOS 2
- Weinre debugging is back compatible working with appletEnabled flag
- Fixed casual not sending of the current FW version
- Changing of the orientation will not do more reboots than 1
- Gapless playing of videos on WebOS 3+ in fake portrait (videoOrientation=LANDSCAPE)
- Upgraded internal libraries (react, typescript etc.)
- Casually not loading of applet after restart app
- Better user information durring register, verify process (including offline page)
- Fixed removing non-exiting scheduled actions that can be deleted by factory resets
- Invocations from front-applet has much better & descriptive error messages with links to docs
- Switching between multiple applet timings would freeze the second applet
- Redesign verification pages
- Return device time on all device
- Set time with timezone and offset when online
- Internal port video is displayed properly
- Remove firmware cache to fix reading FW version after manual upgrade
- timers holidays settings in native timers
[1.1.0] - 2018-05-14
- Changelog file containing all changes in current project