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Move devices between Organizations

If needed, you can move a device from one Organization to another. The device will change its subscription (Device plan) accordingly.

The change of the Device plan will take up to 24 hours.

To be able to move the device, you need to be assigned/be a member of both - the original and target Organization.


How to move the device in Box:

  1. Open the device detail
  2. Scroll to Danger Zone
  3. Click on Change Organization
  4. Review the changes that remove the following
    1. Device's Location
    2. Device's Tags
    3. Device's Policies
  5. Select a new Organization for the device
  6. Fill in the device name as a confirmation
  7. Confirm



How to move the device via API:

For moving devices via API, use Set Device Organization endpoint - https://api.docs.signageos.io/#0eb2c399-eab2-4d45-bf2b-2dbe3c488926


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